Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Joining the Merchant Navy- A career at sea

Joining the Merchant Navy
Alternative 1
Candidates with 10+2 (PCM), age up to 25 years, appear for IIT/JEE. Success in IIT/JEE, permits candidates to be selected and they can do either:

a) Nautical Officer – 3 year B.Sc. (Natural Sciences). The candidate should be physically fit (as per Merchant Shipping Rules) 6/6 vision, unimpaired color vision.

b) Engineer Officer – 4 year Marine Engineering degree course. Candidate should be physically fit as per Merchant Shipping Rules.

On successful completion of training they apply to join a shipping company. Shipping companies also approach candidates while under training and recruit them directly.

Alternative 2: One Year IMU Pre-sea course
a) Nautical Officer - The candidate should be physically fit (as per the Merchant Shipping (MS) Rules). Eligibility 10+2 (PCM) 55% and English 50%, should qualify in the IMU entrance exam, or B.Sc. (PCM) 50%, or BE age 25 years with 6/6 vision in both eyes & unimpaired colour vision. Age relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST category applicants and 2 years for girl cadets. Approved one year Pre-Sea training is provided before posting them on board the ship.

b) Engineer Officers - Please consult the specific advertisements for eligibility criteria for direct recruitment.

Advertisements appear in national newspapers as and when the companies requires personnel. 

Ratings: One may choose to join the sea career as a rating.


Deck Rating: 10th/SSC, 18-25 Years. Medically fit as per Merchant Shipping (M.S.) Rules. Eye Sight 6/6, with color vision.

Engine Rating: 10th/SSC, 18-25 years. Medically fit as per Merchant Shipping (M.S.) Rules.

General Purpose (GP) Rating Course: (For deck/engine): 10th / SSC, 18-25 years. Medically fit as per Merchant Shipping (M.S.) Rules. Eye Sight 6/6, with color vision.

Saloon Rating Course: SSC. Age limits: 18 to 25 years. Medically fit as per Merchant Shipping Rules.

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